The event “Designing together a participatory reception system” held on 11 December 2020 on the platform Zoom involved 34 participants in the process of designing a system of integrated services and a referral system using the Comune dei Popoli office as a reference point. Representatives of public and private social sectors, migrant communities and educational institutions took part at the event.

The purpose of the seminar was the participatory reflection and sharing of ideas, proposals and suggestions to improve the usability of services in the area of Syracuse in favor of foreign citizens. A preliminary phase of mapping and discussion meetings, as well as stimulating the proposal of ideas and useful tools, stimulated knowledge among people and triggered a process aimed at improving relations, but above all laid the foundations for the seminar “Designing together a participatory reception system”.

The three thematic areas

Network, space and skills are the three areas of intervention on which the event focused and which are the results of the approaches of the previous phases (mapping and discussion groups). In particular, English language courses, courses on the culture of migrants’ countries of origin and an in-depth study of the legal aspects of the migration phenomenon were identified as the topics of greatest interest in facilitating migrants’ access to services. While, among teachers and Personale ATA, the drafting and revision of curricula in an intercultural perspective and the management of multilingual and multilevel classrooms of multicultural education were the most widely requested courses.

Digital Working Group

During the online event, each area of intervention (network, space, skills) became a virtual work table, where participants, assisted by a facilitator of the project partner Impact Hub Siracusa and divided into groups, were invited to reflect on possible solutions.

The working group “Mapping – Network Construction” was focused on a reflection aimed at intercepting useful suggestions to facilitate the interconnection between various actors – public institutions, third sector bodies, public offices and private bodies – that within numerous services offered by the territory would be able to improve the usability for users and support the process of simplification and debureaucratisation.

The working group “Planimetry – Office Comune dei Popoli” had the aim to find shared solutions to better organize and structure the physical spaces of the office Comune dei Popoli. Participants were invited to present the subdivision of the space and the designation of their functions.

The main focus of the working group “Staff Capacity Building” was to outline the most suitable capacity building processes, adapted to the context of the area of Syracuse, in order to enhance competences and skills of the human resources already present.